Drone - Explanation and definition of drone

What is a drone

A drone is a remotely controlled aerial vehicle without being manned, or what is the same a vehicle capable of flying autonomously without the need to be physically driven inside by a person. Like other technologies we use daily as GPS, microwave ovens or Internet drones used in the civil field has been possible thanks to the research and development carried out originally in the military area.

The first drone of history was developed by engineer and inventor Charles Kettering in 1917, known as "Kettering Bug" this first drone consisted of a biplane made with wood and paper mache designed to crash into their targets no closer than 75 miles. Thanks to the funds from the US Army were manufactured a total of 45 drones which were never used in any conflict.

Initially military use drones had a similar look and size of fighter planes piloted by people, the civil field jump was a reduction in size and power resulting small flying robots with limited capacity.

Although they look like the drones are not equivalent to the classic radio-control planes for leisure, the main difference lies in its control radio, drones can be controlled remotely thousands of miles while classic radio-control plane come not reach within a few meters, on the other hand drones carry so many electronic devices such as height and gravity sensors, accelerometers and gyroscopes, sensors, wifi signals and of course microprocessors that govern the control of the drone.

Drones applications.

Undoubtedly drones are implanted increasingly in different areas and sectors of the world economy, becoming in a few years on a technology that accompany us in our day to day, like we are used to seeing cars driving on our roads and highways, shortly we are used to see drones flying over our heads.

Over time, cheaper manufacturing technology and advances in the area of computing, drones have jumped from a purely military use for public use both businesses and individuals. Currently there are many applications where the drones develop a key role in carrying dangerous or distressing for those tasks as well as in others in which their efficiency and effectiveness significantly improves the performance of the activity. Among the many applications and industries where drones are being used successfully we can mention:

Drones that monitor and control the status of many facilities such as bridges, factories, monuments, power grids ... drones as a means to expand Internet coverage in areas of the planet where satellites not reach, drones that capture high resolution images improve details and update cartographic maps ... drones for the transport of medicines and medical equipment allowing saving lives in conflict zones or areas devastated by natural disasters. These and countless other applications are possible thanks to the development of this technology.

The widespread use of drones has become necessary to create new laws that legislate the use of this technology in many countries require accreditation and permission from government agencies, even prevented their use in urban areas or areas of high density population without the express consent of the competent authorities.

Now that you know these flying robots, did you know that NASA plans to use drones as a vehicle of exploring future missions to Mars?. Undoubtedly the use of drones in space research will give us images and videos of extraordinary beauty.